Body Meridian Healing

What are body meridians? Why is it important to heal our body meridians?

Body Meridians are energy channels that  transport life energy (PRANA, Chi/Qi) throughout the body. The root cause of many diseases is due to the accumulation of toxins and blockages in our Energy Meridian system. Energy blockages can be the result of stress, injury or trauma, or bad living habits (diet, habits/addictions, lack of exercise) and are associated with just about all health (physical, mental, spiritual) problems.
It is important to heal our body meridians because when the body’s life-force energy becomes blocked, various imbalances will result. This will often lead to physical manifestations in different forms of critical health disorders.

The powerful healing vibrations of the energy Meridian singing bowls are highly effective to cleanse the accumulated toxins and helps to regain our physical, mental and spiritual health in just a few sessions. All you have to do is to have an open heart- step in the bowl, close your eyes and breathe. You have to let go and feel… so you can heal!